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In Partnership with Thomas International

Job enables you to identify the behavioural requirements of a job which will help you recruit the right people for the right job, identify development needs, restructure roles and redeploy talent.
Knowing what good looks like in a job is the key to successful people and performance management.
And by defining the ideal behavioural requirements of your roles, you'll be in a powerful position to make clear decisions on which candidates fit the role you're recruiting for. In addition, with the right employees in the right roles, you'll have a higher level of job satisfaction and you'll be able to truly get the most out of your people. Which means you'll avoid staff turnover, develop the right people for the right roles and reduce the likelihood of recruitment mistakes.
Thomas Job enables you to identify the behavioural requirements of the job you are recruiting for. Used in conjunction with PPA, Thomas Job enables you to match the ideal behaviours for the job with the behavioural profile of your candidates and employees, using a ‘goodness of fit’ scale.
Thomas Job also provides you with a list of the right questions to ask at interview, adding additional weight to your interview process.
Use Thomas Job to achieve a greater level of certainty for:
Recruiting or selecting the right person for the right job
Identifying mismatched employees and redeploying them in more suitable roles
Boosting morale and loyalty
Managing underperformance
Getting the best out of your talent

The TEIQue helps you select candidates who can thrive in a changing environment by answering questions such as: How self-motivated and adaptable are they? How self-aware are they? How do they react to pressure?
Emotional intelligence can give your people the edge they need to lead, manage and perform in today’s competitive and complex marketplace. And emotionally intelligent people cope better with stress, low morale, conflict, and change.
Used as part of your recruitment and selection process, the Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire (TEIQue – pronounced TQ) tells you how well your candidates understand and manage their emotions, how well they interpret and deal with the emotions of others, and how they use this knowledge to manage relationships..
Thomas TEIQue provides you with a report and will help you to answer questions about candidates, including:
How aware is this candidate of their strengths and limitations?
Can this person modify their behavior to suit changing situations?
How does this person react to pressure?
Can this candidate control their impulses?
Is this person likely to be an effective leader/manager?
Is this person overly cautious or prone to taking excessive risks?
Does this candidate excel at developing relationships?
How self motivated and adaptable is this person?
Use Thomas’ trait emotional intelligence assessment to give you clarity when identifying and choosing candidates who can thrive in a dynamic, changing environment – and truly drive your business forward.

An expert assessment of your team that enables you to recruit the candidates who can bridge skills gaps and boost the performance of the team.
Recruiting a new person into a team can be risky. Get it right and the team can have a dramatic impact on the results of your business. Get it wrong and the impact can be disastrous.
Thomas’ team diagnostic review has been specifically designed to provide an expert assessment of your team before you start recruiting for new members.
By understanding your team’s strengths, limitations, areas of conflict and development needs, you will be in a better position to select the right recruit who will be able to bridge some of the gaps and boost your team’s performance.
Conducted by one of Thomas’ expert facilitators, Team Diagnostic Review is a one day program where teams can highlight and address issues by talking about their behavioral profiles. They will get deep into the issues affecting the team and any business or training needs.
Used prior to recruitment, the Diagnostic Review will give team leaders and members a common plan of action for the future. And it will give a clear indication of the profile for new recruits who will boost the team’s existing performance.
A Team Diagnostic Review will give you the expert opinion you need to make the right recruitment decision for your team.

T360 provides an objective framework for identifying performance gaps, developing self-awareness, confidence and motivation - and understanding how to improve personal effectiveness.
How do you make sure your managers can rapidly pinpoint the issues that contribute to under performance and keep performers focused? And at the same time dedicate the right amount of effort to managing your high achievers?
Taking feedback from key colleagues, reports and mangers is a powerful way of spotting performance gaps. It also enables you to identify how self-aware your employees are and understand the impact they have on the rest of the organization.
Which means you can tightly manage your underperformers, freeing up time to manage others. You can also pinpoint exactly the areas you should focus on to develop your staff. And you can use 360 to encourage your employees to understand their contribution to the company, which will make them feel valued and improve morale.
Thomas 360 creates an environment for constructive and honest feedback, enabling your people to understand their personal impact, identify development areas and improve their effectiveness. This assessment quickly and easily enables people to gather performance feedback from those they work with and compare it with their own perception of their performance.

In only 8 - 10 minutes PPA adds certainty to your recruitment decisions by providing an accurate insight into how people behave at work, answering questions such as: what are their strengths & limitations? Are they self-starters? How do they communicate? What motivates them?
Sifting through resumes, short listing candidates and completing interviews is time consuming. And selecting the right candidate is risky.
Why? Because research shows that resumes, application forms and references are bad at predicting whether candidates will succeed in the job. And a candidate that doesn’t succeed leads to additional recruitment costs, coupled with disruption to colleagues, teams and the business.
Thomas Personal Profile Analysis (PPA) provides an accurate insight into how people behave at work, giving you a greater level of certainty when identifying and selecting the right candidates.
Thomas PPA provides you with an initial PPA profile report which will answer your many questions, including:
What are this candidate’s strengths?
Do their strengths match the job role?
Which limitations will impact on their ability to be successful?
Will this person be successful in a role that is technical, quality or standards focused?
Does this candidate drive for results?
Can this person work with and through people?
Will this candidate excel in a service, support or specialist role?
How much detailed work does this candidate prefer to handle?
What’s the most effective way to motivate this candidate?
This assessment takes only 8 - 10 minutes to complete. You then have instant access to 18 additional reports that enable you to focus your interview efforts on the right candidates and ask the right interview questions. In addition, they’ll help you to identify how to get the best out of your candidate – and match the right candidate to the right job.

Thomas GIA helps you recruit candidates who will get up to speed rapidly and maximize their contribution to the business by answering questions such as: can they think on their feet? Are they problem solvers? Could they be high flyers?
How quickly a recruit learns new procedures and reacts to change can mean the difference between success and failure in their job. And a resume can only tell you so much. But it can’t tell you who will hit the ground running and make an early impact in the role.
Thomas General Intelligence Assessment (GIA) measures a person’s mental horsepower. And by understanding how quickly your candidates can learn and retain new skills and procedures, you will have a reliable prediction of their potential to grasp or develop into a new role. You’ll also get an indication of how well they’ll respond to training.
Delivered online through Thomas GIA, these assessments provide a report which will answer questions about your candidates, including:
Can this person think on their feet?
How adaptable is this person to change?
Can they cope with the mental demands of the job?
Could this person be a high flyer?
Is this person a problem solver?
To what extent can we develop this person using training?
Use these assessments to help you choose the right person for the right job. And make sure it’s the right person who can get up to speed rapidly and maximize their contribution to the business.

Benchmarking helps businesses to ensure they recruit only the highest quality candidates, by identifying what makes your talent successful and helping you recruit more like them.
As a business leader you’re continually striving to be the best of the best. And you’re constantly on the lookout for the best people.
But how do you know what makes your top people just that? And how do you recruit more of them?
Thomas’ benchmarking service tells you how. Our expert consultants will enable you to identify the characteristics that make your talent successful. And they’ll help you to create an ideal behavioural profile so that you can recruit more of them.
Don’t leave recruitment to chance. Use Thomas’ benchmarking service to ensure your business recruits only the highest quality candidates.

Teams helps you ensure your teams perform to their maximum ability, are motivated and loyal by answering questions such as: where are the power struggles? What motivates them? What leadership style will inspire them?
Teams are critical to driving effective performance in any business. But the majority of teams are significantly underperforming on what’s possible. And the cost to the organization is huge*.
So how do you ensure your teams are performing to their maximum ability? And what’s the key to managing them as an operational unit, rather than just as individuals?
Thomas Teams, used in conjunction with Thomas PPA enables you and your teams to understand their strengths, limitations and the value they bring to the business. It will enable you to boost the performance of your team by managing them more effectively.
Thomas Teams provides you with a profile and will answer your many questions, including:
What role does each person play within the team?
Where are the areas of weakness in the team?
How do we address those limitations?
Are we playing to the strengths of each team member?
What leadership style will inspire my team towards high performance?
Use Thomas Teams to inspire your team to achieve more, pinpoint training needs, and identify skills gaps that can be filled through recruitment.